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Our Staff and Leadership
Senior Minister: Rev. Kelley Becker
Associate Minister: Rev. Anna Hubbard
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Allie Thitte
Director of Early Childhood Ministries: Alex Buckner
Director of Music Ministries: Ben Pauls
President: Morgan Lawrence-Hayes
Vice President: Casey Williams
Secretary: MiKayla Kirk
Treasurer: Drew Ames
Elder Chair: Kris Zorn
Deacon Chair: Dianne Crow
Trustees: Amos Radlinger, Rhonda Hudson, Jamie Bennett
Ministry Commissions
Education: Tiffany Scroggins
Fellowship: Nickole Cunningham
House and Grounds: Sheena Hayes
Marketing: Roy Morgan
Outreach: Donna Keffer
Stewardship-Finance: Rebekah Dorris
Safety: Josh Wadell
Memorial Committee: Rhonda Hudson (Chair)
Nominating Committee: Casey Williams (Vice- President, Chair)
Personnel Committee: Casey Williams (Vice-President, Chair)
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